Dry Liner
Who would not like to keep his cargo dry and warm? In the Dry Liner, your cargo is at least wrapped up well. Well protected in a nearly indestructible box superstructure. Which is now stronger than ever.. And more suitable for the job. And once again more economic. box superstructures must withstand a lot. Therefore, the KRONE Dry Liner is particularly strong and economical. The new Dry Liner is sort of Extra Dry. The strong chassis features diagonal frame reinforcements and rubber buffers at the rear; it even tolerates a bump at the ramp. Thanks to KTL immersion lacquering and powder coating (in your company colour) the chassis does not rust through. Guaranteed. The Dry Liner even possesses a superstructure made of steel with KTL coating. You prefer other walls and roofs? No problem. Moreover, the standard components from the running gear through to the rear lights can be easily repaired and replaced this is cost-saving. The Dry Liner the professional among the box-type semitrailers.